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Moontrader Bot Client - Telegram trading terminal control

Step-by-step guide to setting up Telegram bot client for Moontrader. Set up profiles, track signals, and execute trades remotely.
bot client

To use this extension, you need to be registered with the Telegram messenger.

If you already have a Telegram account, you need to create your own bot from which you will manage your MoonTrader accounts.

How to create your own bot?

To create a bot, you need to write in the search bar the name of the bot to create bots in Telegram @BotFather

Write the command /newbot - creates a new bot

Give a name to our bot:

The name must be with correspondence Bot *

After successfully creating a bot, you need to save its Token*

To do this, write the command /mybots - show all your bots

In the list of our bots, select the name of the previously created bot:

Select the API Token:

After we have found out our bot's Token, we need to find out our own ChatID:

For this we find the bot @myidbot

We write the command /getid - find out your ChatID:

Save all the data and proceed to install BotClient:

Launching and configuring BotClient

First you need to unzip BotClient to any convenient folder

Run BotClient.exe:

First we need to specify the saved Token and ChatID data:

BotClient successfully created and ready to go

How to use BotClient

BotClient can manage many accounts at once*

In order to start using it, we first need to find our bot which we created in @BotFather

To do this, write the command /mybots - show all your bots

Click on @BotName, go to the chat with the bot and click run:

In this menu, all the work on managing our MoonTrader accounts will take place:

For convenience, you can change the language in the Telegram Settings menu in the Telegram Layout section:


To find out a list of all available commands, you can find out using the /help command

1.To manage commands, use the forward, backward buttons *

2. Enter data using the keyboard or press the buttons in the menu *

3.Commands can be repeated by pressing the repeat button after the command has been executed, regardless of the result*

4. The command can be accessed through the symbol / from the drop-down menu or select a step-by-step action in the menu *

5.Commands by default take profiles from the “default profile”*

6.Commands can be stopped while they are being executed*

7.Commands can contain more than one profile, which will allow you to perform the same action for all selected profiles *

8. When selecting symbols in some commands, the “all” button appears, it adds the entire market that you have selected in the request (be careful when working with the entire market at once, use this functionality when you really need it)

Add profile

In order to manage a profile in MoonTrader we need to add it:

Go to the profile menu, add section:

Specify all the data of our account from the client:

If such a profile exists, it will be successfully added when you click the Run button.

Edit Profile

To change the profile, you need to go to the profile menu, change section, or the /edit_profile command

Select the profile that we need to edit and overwrite the parameters we need:

Click the execute button and work with the new data:


Default profiles

If you have more than one profile, for convenience, you can select the default profiles that will be set in the basic settings in further commands *

To go to the default profiles go to the profile menu under the default section

In this list, you can select a default profile by clicking on it:

After selecting the required profiles, click the Execute button to save the settings:

Delete profile

In order to delete a profile, you need to go to the profile menu, remove the section, or use the /remove_profile command 

To delete a profile, select it in the list of profiles:

To confirm the action, click the execute button:

Add order

This command only works with one profile*

To go to this command, you need to select the order section in the menu to add, or by the command /add_order *


This command has a lot of settings for placing an order, make sure you entered all the data correctly *

To place an order in the menu, there are also Take Profit and Stop Loss settings:


Cancel orders

Cancellation of orders works on orders that have already been placed but have not been executed*

To go to this command, you need to select the cancel section in the order menu or the /cancel_order command



To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core:


If we changed our mind about stopping orders or entered incorrect data, we can always stop the stop command *

Get a list of orders 

To manage orders, there is also a command “/get_order_list”

To go to this command, select the “List” section in the “Order” menu

This command allows you to get information about orders that are placed in real time


When choosing a profile, orders will be loaded and later, when choosing a market, you will be able to see how many orders are hanging on which market



Next, it is proposed to either close the selected profiles or view information about them

Close positions

Closing a position does not work on expelled orders*

To go to this command, select the section in the position menu to close the section or by the command /close_positions


To execute a command, click execute and wait for the result of the execution * 

To repeat the command, click the repeat button:

Each command can be repeated with the same settings*

When repeating a command, you can change the settings of the previous command*


Fast closing of open positions

Does not affect open orders in the same market*

To go to the command, select the panic section in the menu or with the /panic_sell command

*When you select one profile, all positions will be automatically loaded and will show how many positions are hanging and in which markets

To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core

Stop all algorithms

The command stops all running algorithms on the account*

To go to the command, select the stop all section in the algorithms menu, or use the /stop_all_algorithm command


To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core

Start all algorithms

The command enables all disabled algorithms on the account*

To go to the command, select the stop all section in the algorithms menu, or use the /start_all_algorithm command


To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core

Algorithm management


This command allows you to get a list of algorithms that are on the kernel

And in the future it provides the ability to stop / start or delete the selected algorithms

Change leverage

The team works only on markets where there are no open positions or hanging orders*

To go to the command, select the change leverage section in the market menu or by the command /modify_leverage


To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core:

Change margin

The team works only on markets where there are no open positions or hanging orders*

To go to the team, select the section to change the walrus in the market menu, or use the command /modify_margin


To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core:


The command can show you account status, reboot, shutdown, reboot without updating*

To go to the command, go to the kernel menu and select the action you need:


To execute a command, click the execute button and wait for a response from the core:




This command allows you to view reports by filters

If you select one profile, then information about each algorithm will come (how many orders were executed and what was the result)

If you select several profiles, then the main information will come without details about each algorithm

 Fields: Markets, Quote\Symbol, Information - can be empty



Download and display information about all positions on selected accounts


Balance Information


This command allows you to download balance information from selected profiles in the specified market





Transfer Balance

The command allows you to transfer assets from one market to another




Configuring Bot Client to parse telegram signals

*signals support up to linux operating system (ubuntu/linux 20.04) & windows


1. First of all, we must connect the telegram account to the remote controller:


  • Go to the "Profile" menu
  • Choose “Telegram profile”
  • Click "Login"
  • After that, at the end of the bot, fields for authorization will appear (If not appeared, press the Enter key)
  1. Enter phone number
  1. Enter the code that came in telegram
  1. Enter a password if necessary

Registration completed

Now if you go to Profile -> Telegram profile, you will see the following:

2. Next, you need to select the channels that you want to track for receiving signals

  • Go to the menu “Algorithms”
  • Choose “Signals”
  • Choose “Channels”
  • Choose the channels you want to track
  • Click “Execute”

Parsing rules can be configured for each channel (Algorithms -> Signals -> Channel Settings)


As all actions are completed, the bot will start tracking the selected channels and, if there are signals, will try to parse the received data and send it to all the cores connected to the bot

Text Commands


- The command will be treated as a text command only if there is a # at the beginning

- Parameters are separated by ';' or by moving to a new line

- Parameters can be incomplete, for example `pr` will be equivalent to `profiles`

- The order of the parameters does not matter

- If all the parameters were entered correctly, then the command will be executed immediately, if some parameters were entered incorrectly, then the standard form for filling in the command with the parameters that could be parsed will be displayed

- Profiles can be listed separated by commas, or you can specify `all` in the profiles parameter

- The separator between the parameter and the value can be any character, including space

- Markets: f - Futures; m- Margin; s - Spot; d - Delivery;

- Side: buy, sell;

- Order Type: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, LimitMarket, PostOnly

- Margin Type: Cross, Isolated





#core status; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>; //get core status from selected profiles

#core status; pr: all;  //get core status from all profiles

// The parameter separator is a newline, instead of a semicolon:

#core status

pr: <profile name 1>, …, <profile name N>

#core status

pr: all


#core status; pr all;

#core status; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03;


#core restart; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;  //restart selected cores

#core restart;  pr: all;  //restart all cores

// The parameter separator is a newline, instead of a semicolon:

#core restart

pr: <profile name 1>, …, <profile name N>

#core restart

pr: all


#core restart; pr all;

#core restart; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03


#core restart no update; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

#core restart no update;  pr: all;

#core restart no update

pr: all


#core restart no update; pr all;

#core restart no update; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03;


#core shut down; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

#core shut down; pr: all;

#core shut down

pr: all


#core shutdown; pr all;

#core shutdown; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03;


#get pos;  pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

#get pos; pr: all;

#get pos

pr: all

#get pos

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>


#get pos; pr all;

#get pos; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03;


#start all algo;  pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

#start all algo

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

#stop all algo;  pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

#stop all algo

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>


#start all algo; pr all;

#stop all algo; profiles: pr01, pr 02, pr03;


#panic sell; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>; market: <Market Type>; symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>;

#panic sell

pr:  pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

market: f

symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>


#panic sell; pr: 01; market: futures; symbols: btcusdt, ethusdt;

#panic sell; pr: all; market: spot; symbols: all;


#add order

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

market: <Market Type>;

side: <Side Type>

order type: <Order Type>

symbol: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>

order size: <Order Size Value>

price <Price Value>

//optional parameters


//*!!!* if the "TP Percentage" parameter is not specified, then the rest of the take profit parameters will not be checked

tp percentage: <Take Profit percentage>

tp order type: <Order Type>

tp is iceberg: <true, false>

//*!!!*if you want to specify auto-lowering of the TP and do not specify all the parameters, then UseAutoPriceDown will be false

tp auto price down time: <Auto price down time>

tp auto price down step: <Auto price down step>

tp auto price down limit: <Auto price down limit>


//*!!!* if the "SL Percentage" parameter is not specified, then the rest of the stop loss parameters will not be checked

sl percentage: <Stop Loss percentage>

sl order type: <Order Type>

sl spread: <Stop Loss Spread>

sl delay: <Stop Loss Delay>

// *!!!* if Stop Loss Trailing spread is specified, then useTralingSL will be true

sl trailing spread: <Stop Loss Trailing Spread>

*TakeProfit and StopLoss parameters can be omitted


#cancel order; pr: all; market:  <Market Type>;

#cancel order

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

market:  <Market Type> 

symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N> //optional parameter

cancel all: <True, False> //optional parameter


#cancel order; pr: pr01, pr02, pr03; market: spot; symbols: ethusdt;

#cancel order

pr: all

market: delivery

cancel all: true


#modify margin; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>; market: <Market Type>; margin type: <Margin Type>; symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>;

#modify margin

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

market: <Market Type>

margin type: <Margin Type>

symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>


#modify margin; pr: pr01, pr02; market: futures; margin type: cross; symbols: bnbusdt;

#modify margin

pr: pr01, pr02

market: futures

margin type: cross

symbols: bnbusdt


#modify leverage; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>; market: <Market Type>; symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>; leverage: <New leverage Value>;

#modify leverage

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>

market: <Market Type>

symbols: <symbol1>, …, <symbol N>

leverage: <New leverage Value>


#modify leverage; pr: pr01, pr02; market: futures; symbols: bnbusdt; leverage: 23;

#modify leverage

pr: pr01, pr02

market: futures

symbols: bnbusdt

leverage: 23

*if the leverage parameter is not specified, the maximum value will be set


#remove profile; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;


#remove profile; pr pr04, pr13;


#change def profile; pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;


#change def profile; pr pr04, pr13;


#get balance;  pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>; market: <Market Type>;

#get balance;  

pr: <profile name 1>, …,  <profile name N>;

market: <Market Type>;


#get balance; pr pr04, pr13; market futures;


#transfer balance; pr <Profile Name>; from market: <Market Type>; to market: <Market Type>; symbol: <Quote Asset>; amount: <Amount>;


#transfer balance

pr <Profile Name>

from market: <Market Type>

to market: <Market Type>

symbol: <Quote Asset>

amount: <Amount>


#get balance; pr pr04, pr13; from market: futures; to market: spot; symbol: USDT; amount 23;

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